Ronald Del Rosario

Ronald del Rosario

COO- NPL Loans

Mr. Del Rosario performed in several asset servicing roles for major Special Purpose Asset Vehicles, where he handled more than 4,000 distressed assets and non-performing loans with experiences in corporate rehabilitation, debt restructuring, asset and loan sale, among other asset resolution strategies.

Major transactions involve loan settlements via property decisions including undeveloped hectares of land in Paranaque and Batangas. He led a team that successfully converted undeveloped property (3.8 hectares) into a 182 townhouse unit complex in Paranaque which was fully sold (Phase 1) even prior to completion.

Other accomplishments include obtaining raw land in Batangas via loan settlement, addressed all property issues including re-titling in preparation for the initial development stage. The property is currently in the Joint-Venture MOA stage with a leading publicly listed real estate company.

Mr. Del Rosario has over 16 years of prior work experience in corporate banking, distressed assets management with various commercial banks. In addition, he spent the last 10 years under a SPAV environment working for foreign and local clients.
Mr. Del Rosario graduated from the University of the Philippines with a degree in Economics.